The objective of our group project is to build a counter circuit using IR emitter and receiver. There are basically 3 modules of the assignment, and the first one is the sensor, the second one is the controlling circuit while the last part is the ARM microprocessor and LCD display.
For the sensor(s), the infrared (IR) sensors are considered because they are not too much expensive. Compared with other sensors such as the weight sensors, distance sensors and laser sensors, IR sensors do not need complex conditions to promise them to work stably.
Here we have a test of the IR sensor. The figure below shows an IR switch sensor which emits signals continuously. When there is an object obstructing the receiving signal, the LED would light. This indicates an passing through of human.
At the same time, we have also scoped the outline of the completed circuit. The connection of IR sensors and microprocessor is the most significant part that there should be a controlling circuit. We are trying to built our own circuit base on the circuit with the ARM LPC microprocessor provided by our tutor. However, to sketch the circuit, we have to use Intel 8051 instead of ARM due to limitations of sources in the simulation software. Below is the basic circuit.
Therefore, for the next week we will focus on the IR sensors and controlling circuit. In addition, we will also refer some references to handle some theoretical problems.